All Things Are Possible

From the JSMI Australia Blog

by | 2 Aug 2022 | JSMI Newsletters

God is not done yet. God has big plans for you. Nothing is impossible for Him, and regardless of how dire a situation could look, with God, anything can happen! 

You have not seen all that God can do. There is more goodness, more miracles, and more wonders to come. 

Jesus said in Mark 9:23, “…all things are possible to him that believes.” The Message Bible says, “Anything can happen.” And I like the NIV which states, “Everything is possible for one who believes.”

While God can do anything, there is a condition. What is the prerequisite, or what is required? According to the Scripture, God can do anything, IF YOU CAN BELIEVE!

Obviously, Jesus isn’t obligated to fulfill someone’s selfish desires. I’m writing to you and trusting that you have a heart surrendered to God and want His best. 

You can read in Scripture time and time again where God shows up bringing deliverance and victory to those that serve Him. Not only that, He’s been doing the impossible for me for over 52 years when I dared to believe that He could and I refused to compromise.

God spoke to me in the early years of my ministry that I could not accomplish what He wanted without the traveling ability of a ministry airplane. I’ve had to trust God and believe for every airplane the ministry has owned. He has never let me down. Over the last 50 years, He has provided ten debt-free airplanes. Every time that I outgrew one, I would sow it into another ministry.

Today, I fly to meetings in an airplane for which I believed for over 20 years. And because I continued to believe, God made it happen…during a pandemic when most people were saying “It’s the worst of times”. I was having my best of times! And that’s just one of many “impossibilities” that God has made happen for me.

I believe that He’s not done yet and the best is yet to come!

Regardless of the hardship youre facing, dont ever doubt Gods goodness and miracle power. Its never Gods ability that is in question; its our ability to believe that is the real issue.

If you’re struggling to believe, more time in the Word and more time with the Holy Spirit is your answer. Spending time in God’s word and praying in the spirit will build your faith to see God fulfill His promises. 

The Apostle Paul reveals, “So then faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God” (Romans 10:17). The more Word you get in you, the less trouble you’ll have believing. More Word equals more faith. 

In the book of Matthew, we see an example of God doing the impossible because someone chose to believe. We read the account of two blind men following Jesus crying out for a miracle. We are told, The blind men came to him, and Jesus said to them, “Do you believe that I am able to do this? They said to him, Yes, Lord” (Matthew 9:27-28).

God is still asking you this question today – Do you believe that I am able to do this?”

Settle it once and for all, there’s no limit to what God can do. The prophet Jeremiah once declared when speaking about God, “there is nothing too hard for thee” (Jeremiah 32:17). 

God responds in verse 27 by asking, “Behold, I am the Lord…is there anything too hard for me?” 

No promise of God is designed to fail. Every directive that proceeds from His mouth must reach fulfillment. God never promises anything that He doesn’t intend to bring to pass. 

THERE’S NO LIMIT TO WHAT GOD CAN DO FOR YOU! Your part is, “If you can believe.”

I keep hearing in my spirit the Holy Spirit saying, “It’s time to go to a higher level; there’s so much more that I want to do for you.”

Sadly, many Christians today are limiting God from blessing them. Psalm chapter 78 serve as a warning to you. Psalm 78 is often referred to as a “wisdom psalm” written to give God’s people important instructions.

This chapter records God’s people limiting Him. We’re told, “They had not been faithful to Gods promise. They refused to follow his teachings. They forgot what he had done – …. the miracles that he had shown them” (Psalm 78:10-11 GW).

Yes, again and again they tempted God, and limited the Holy One of Israel. They did not remember His [hand] power” (Psalm 78:41-42 NKJV).

If you read this entire Psalm, it tells you what God’s people did that caused them to limit Him in their lives. Dont be like these people. Don’t forget His works like they did. He has done miracles before, and He has more in store for you.

Refuse to put limits on God; its time for you to go to the next level. God is not limited. Refuse to shrink your faith. Be a person that believes God for the impossible. 

Have you been distracted by the cares and troubles of this world? As you look at the world around you, has it drained your faith? Let me encourage you. God is not mad and disappointed in you. God loves you so much and wants to show His goodness to you.

God is not finished with you, and His best is still to come. 

I pray this over you today: Lord, thank You for Your goodness and faithfulness. We are so honored and blessed to be Your children. We will not limit You. We will stay in faith and declare that all things are possible. Thank You for moving in our lives and fulfilling Your promises. 

I’m so thankful for you and am honored to be able to encourage you today. I want you to experience the same power and favor of God that I have over the past 52 years. Im here to help build your faith and teach you how to receive Gods promises. 

Your faithful support is such an encouragement to me. It shows that your heart is receptive to the message and that your trust is in God. I know that, together we are pursuing God’s heart and desiring to see His purposes fulfilled. 

This month as you give, I want to send you my timely teaching, All Things Are Possible. I know it will help you break free from limitations and expand your vision for what God wants to do. 

You can give securely and conveniently online at or by calling +61 7 5576 5534 and be sure to check the relevant box to receive your CD or MP3.

Like I said earlier, faith comes by hearing the Word. I’m so thankful that God has linked us together and that I have the honor to speak God’s Word into your life. 

Stay full of the Word, stay strong in faith, and believe for God to do the impossible! 

In Him,
Jerry Savelle
Jerry Savelle

P.S. Make the commitment to stay focused on God’s Word. Psalm 78:1 says, “…incline your ears to the words of my mouth.” As you give special attention to God’s Word, your faith will grow to see all of His promises fulfilled in your life. I’m praying for you and hope to hear from you soon.

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