Go forward! Refuse to turn back!

From the JSMI Australia Blog

by | 12 Feb 2014 | Ministry Updates

Everyone who is trusting God and fighting the good fight of faith is going to face challenging times. I want to tell you about one of the most vital keys I have discovered for overcoming life’s challenges and for walking in victory.

As 2014 comes to an end, I want you to know how much you mean to me and this ministry! My staff and I pray for you and we believe that God is positioning you for your greatest victories.

I know what it is like to have setbacks and challenges and to be tempted to be discouraged. Many people are surprised to hear how my wife, Carolyn, and I lived before learning the principles of God’s blessing and favor.

There were times when we would walk along the street to collect soda bottles to turn them in for 2 cents each so we could buy bread. We were broke! Thank God that is not our story any more! Carolyn and I are blessed today and never have to wonder if we can afford the necessities of life. Sure, we still have financial challenges. They just have more zeros and commas today! But the same biblical truth’s that caused us to overcome when we were broke still cause us to be victorious today!

Even though it may sound simple, don’t miss the importance of this truth…

If you are going to overcome challenges and receive all that God has for you, you are going to have to refuse to turn back!

The apostle Paul said it like this, “…I’ve got my eyes on the goal where God is beckoning us onward – to Jesus…I’m off and running and I’m not turning back…So let’s keep focused on that goal, those of us who want everything God has for us” (Philippians 3:13-15 Message, emphasis mine).

Do you want all that God has for you? If so, notice that one of the keys is to keep going forward and never looking back.

People that never turn back are the ones that experience God doing great miracles. In Exodus 14:13-31 we are told of God miraculously splitting the Red Sea: “…And the Lord said unto Moses…speak unto the children of Israel, that they GO FORWARD…And Israel saw that GREAT work which the Lord did…”

To see God do something GREAT in your life, quit can never be an option!

Did you know that quitters are only remembered for one thing? Quiting! One of the greatest boxers was Roberto Duran. In June of 1980, Roberto Duran defeated Sugar Ray Leonard with a 15-round unanimous decision and captured the WBC welterweight title. Duran was already a four time champion in four different weight classes and was known as “hands of stone.”

In November 1980, a rematch was scheduled in the Super Dome in New Orleans between Sugar Ray Leonard and Roberto Duran. I love the sport of boxing, so I had a “ring-side seat” and could hardly wait for the fight to begin! It was the fight that all boxing fans were waiting for, including me!

Late in round seven, Leonard acted like he was going to throw a “bolo punch” with his right but hit Duran with a left to his face. In the eighth round, Duran was so frustrated that he quit and as he walked back to his corner, he said his now famous words, “no mas, no mas, no mas” which means “no more.”

Nobody could believe it – his trainer, Ray Alcel, begged him to continue but he refused. After that, whenever or wherever his name was mentioned, the only thing people remembered was “no mas!”

I left there thinking “how sad” this was what most people considered to be one of the greatest fighters ever but all people would remember him for is “no mas.”

I don’t know about you but I don’t want to be remembered as one who quit when the pressure was on!

If Jesus tarries and I go by way of the grave, I want them to put on my tombstone: “Quit was not an option!”

Looking back at the story in Exodus, if the children of Israel had said, “no mas” then they wouldn’t have experienced the great victory of crossing the Red Sea. Nor would we have this awesome story of how God can come through for those who trust Him, no matter how impossible the situation may seem.

People who keep going forward are destined to see God do something great!

If you will keep going forward and refuse to turn back, God instructed me to tell you to expect the unexpected and to be watching for surprises!

You can end 2014 and step into 2015 experiencing the great miraculous power of God in your family, your finances, your health, and any other area you need a breakthrough!

Job 5:9 in the Message paraphrase says, “If I were in your shoes, I’d go straight to God, I’d throw myself on the mercy of God. After all, he’s famous for great and unexpected acts; there’s no end to his surprises.”

If you will keep going forward, God will surprise you with more than you can ask or think (Ephesians 3:20)!

Who would have ever thought that the Red Sea would split and they would go over on dry ground? No one! Well, no one but God, that is.

That’s why we always need to keep our eyes on Him and just let God be God! He’s smarter than us. here’s no limit to the ways that He can come through for us. God is simply asking you to expect the unexpected and be watching for surprises!

It’s not too late for you to go forward! Even though Roberto Duran will always have to endure the “no mas” embarrassment, not long ago, he was chosen by Ring Magazine as the 5th greatest fighter of the last 80 years, the 8th greatest fighter of all time and the greatest lightweight of the 20th century.

That just goes to show that, even if you have already quit several times, there’s still potential for greatness deep down on the inside of you! Just determine from this day on that you will go forward no matter what! That’s when you’ll see God do greater things!

When you mix faith with your giving, it gives God the substance (Hebrews 11:1) to do something great in your life.

Your faithful support enables us to proclaim the uncompromised word of faith to hurting people around the world. Because of you, over 17,000 souls have been saved through Chariots of Light this year. Each week our faith-filled TV broadcast is seen in over 200 countries and people's faith is being developed to see God do great things!

As a thank you for giving this month, I would like to send you my message titled, Keep Going Forward And See God Do Something Great! This recent teaching is a powerful, faith-saturated message that will build your expectancy for the unexpected. You can give by visiting https://jsmiaustralia.org/offering

Now is not the time to turn back! God has called us to go forward! I pray that God’s peace and favor fill your family this Christmas and that He surprises you with great things!

In Him,

Jerry Savelle 

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