God wants to show you His glory

From the JSMI Australia Blog

by | 14 Feb 2014 | JSMI Newsletters

Has God done the miraculous in your life? Was there a time when you were not sure how you were going to make it, but God intervened and caused a breakthrough?

Many times we don’t see God’s hand while we are in the middle of a trial, but looking back, we often see that it was really God all along working to bring the victory.

Let me encourage you to never stop celebrating what God has done for you. When you have a grateful heart for the past victories God has brought in your life, it builds your faith to trust in Him in the midst of the challenges you currently face.

What if the problems that you have now are really just opportunities for God to show His glory?

Maybe you’re familiar with the story of how Jesus raised His friend, Lazarus, from the dead. In John 11:4 of The Message translation, Jesus is telling His disciples about Lazarus and says, “This sickness is not fatal. It will become an occasion to show God’s glory…”

Jesus is saying that He is going to use the death of Lazarus as an opportunity to reveal God’s glory. I want you to also understand that God’s glory is really His manifested presence.

We all want to see His glory, but there’s something else in this story that the Holy Spirit has brought to my attention, and He wants me to share it with you today.

Do you know that the disciples nearly missed out on experiencing God’s presence in this situation? And the same thing that tried to steal it from them will rob you too, if you allow it to happen.

As you read this story, it reveals how they almost missed this opportunity simply because they were focused more on themselves than they were on Jesus’ promise of seeing God’s glory.

Why were the disciples focused on themselves? In John 11:8 (NKJV), they responded to Jesus by saying, “…the Jews sought to stone You, and are You going there again?” They were concerned about being stoned instead of trusting Jesus and seeing God’s glory. A few verses later, Thomas said to his fellow disciples, “Let us also go, that we may die with Him.”

In other words, they were focused on their own problems more than they were on seeing His glory. That caused their faith to wane at the promise of seeing God do the miraculous! The disciples were so focused on their problems that they nearly missed what God’s manifested presence would do in and around them.

If Jesus hadn’t insisted on returning to Judea, the disciples would have missed out on a miraculous move of God. And the same is true with many of God’s people today. As they focus on their circumstances and troubles, their ability to experience a great move of God is hindered.

Maybe you’re thinking, “But, Jerry, you don’t know what I’m going through!” You’re right. I don’t know all the details of what you’re facing. But I do know that being focused on yourself and your problems will cause you to miss out on seeing God’s glory bring you the victory.

Refuse to allow your problems to become a distraction! Instead, be consumed with the prophetic word the Holy Spirit has proclaimed over this year—God wants to manifest His glory in a greater way in 2014!

If you’re familiar with Lazarus’ story, you know that Jesus and the disciples didn’t get stoned. On the contrary, when the disciples finally submitted to Jesus, He took care of them! After all, circumstances, no matter how threatening, can never supersede God’s plans to manifest His glory if we’ll only believe and receive!

Like so many people today, the disciples allowed Satan to “blow their perceived problems completely out of proportion in their minds” in his attempt to keep them from experiencing the glory of God.

I’m not saying to pretend your problems don’t exist. I am saying, don’t let them become a major distraction that overshadows the plan and promises of God. Satan would love nothing more than for you to miss out on the visitation of God’s presence. Don’t give him that satisfaction.

I sense the Holy Spirit telling me to tell you, “Focusing on yourself and your problem will be a major temptation for many of God’s people.” Satan will attempt to use self-centeredness perhaps more than anything else, and you must determine right now that you will not yield to it nor give it any space in your life.

We are told in James 4:7 to, “Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you” (KJV). Don’t try to resist the devil without first submitting yourself to God! By submitting to God first, you break free from self-centeredness and then His strength is available to assist you in resisting the devil.

Let me encourage you to conquer self-centeredness. The best way to accomplish this is to have the attitude Jesus had:

“…not my will, but your will be done…” (Luke 22:42, NIV).

Let me tell you that this is the best decision you will ever make!

This month Jerry Savelle Ministries is celebrating our 45th year in ministry! That means for 45 years this ministry has been focused on serving God and reaching people. I remember when I first surrendered and made the commitment that I would do God’s will and not my own. Before that time, my major concern was to focus on myself. I even resisted God’s call to be a minister. I wasn’t a generous giver, and I regularly put my needs and wants above others.

When I broke free from self-centeredness and shifted my focus off of myself and my problems, and instead focused on God, that is when I began to see His glory manifest in my life more times than I can count.

Now, my expectancy is even higher this year! 2014, which happens to our 45th anniversary in ministry, will be the year of GREATER GLORY!

I’m believing to see greater miracles, breakthroughs, signs, and wonders in the Body of Christ—and in your life! When God’s presence manifests, lives are changed, families are restored, debts are canceled, and the impossible happens.

Be a part of what God is doing, don’t miss out! Submit your will to His will and, with faith, start focusing on seeing His glory.

Say this prayer with me: Heavenly Father, I want to see Your glory. I don’t want to miss this visitation. Therefore, I submit myself to You and I resist the temptation to be self-centered. Not my will but Your will be done, in Jesus’ Name! Amen.

Thank you for your continued and faithful support of this ministry. It enables us to make a greater impact around the world. This month as you give, as a thank you, I will send you a powerful new teaching titled, Stay Focused On God and You’ll See His Glory. This timely message will give you the keys to experiencing God’s glory to a greater degree this year.

During this landmark year of ministry, join with me in expressing gratitude to God for His goodness and favor. I look forward to seeing what good things God has in store for us this year, and I pray that you experience His greater glory with me!

In Him,

Jerry Savelle

P.S. As we celebrate 45 years of God’s favor at Jerry Savelle Ministries, we are so amazed at how faithful He is. He has never forsaken us. He has never left us in defeat. He has always cared for us and brought us to a place of victory! I would be honored if you would give me the privilege of agreeing with you in faith concerning any prayer request that you may have. Click here to submit a prayer request and let me know how my staff and I can pray for you and believe for God’s glory to be revealed in your life.

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