As you gather with family for Christmas and close out this year, I want to share with you how I stay in faith even when the victories I’m believing for have yet to be manifested.
There are many Christians ending this year still waiting for a breakthrough. They know in their heart that God has promised a good outcome, but it just doesn’t seem to be happening.
Don’t be the person who quits before the breakthrough.
You never know exactly when or how God is going to bring about your victory, but while you’re waiting, you must reject discouragement and live a life of continual rejoicing.
How do I stay strong in faith? What have I done that brings me to a place of expectation and confident trust? As I share this with you today, I know the same Biblical principles active in my life will work in yours.
If there was one spiritual principle I could transfer into your life as this year ends, it would be to…NEVER STOP CELEBRATING THE FAITHFULNESS OF GOD.
That may sound simplistic, but it is one of the greatest lessons I’ve learned and lived by for over 53 years.
God is faithful! He is reliable, trustworthy, and true to His promises. He can always be depended upon, and for those who will continually celebrate His faithfulness, He will never let them down.
I truly believe that continually declaring His faithfulness is a major key to living a victorious life.
I know for a fact that I would not be where I am today if God wasn’t faithful, and I certainly would not have what I have if He wasn’t faithful. It never ceases to amaze me just how faithful He truly is.
The apostle Paul reveals in Philippians 3:13 that there are times when you must forget the things which are behind you and press forward to something which lies ahead. I’ve never seen a breakthrough in my life that I didn’t have to press for. Everything God has ever promised to me has required my faith.
How do I press? What does pressing look like?
A few verses later, in Philippians 4:4, Paul instructs you to, “Rejoice in the Lord always, and again I say, Rejoice.”
Your joyful celebration of God’s faithfulness is a key element of you pressing for what God has in store for you.
When should you be celebrating? When does this rejoicing need to happen? In every season of life. When everything is going great and even when things are not going so well. Are you committed to celebrating the faithfulness of God in the bad times just as much as in the good times? Paul’s instruction was to rejoice in the Lord ALWAYS.
Don’t ever allow the devil to think that he’s got you discouraged. Don’t ever let him think that he’s winning. Don’t ever give him a reason to think that you can’t take any more.
Rejoice despite how it looks or feels…because it’s not over yet. Even if it looks as though he’s knocked you down, never give up. One of my favorite Scriptures says, “Rejoice not against me, O mine enemy, when I fall I shall arise…” (Micah 7:8).
The book of Proverbs says, “For a just man falleth seven times, and riseth up again…” (Proverbs 24:16). That’s how you beat the devil, if he knocks you down seven times, then get up eight!
Never, never, never accept defeat! You were born to win. It’s your heritage! So, no matter what you’re going through right now, stand up in the devil’s face and let him know that you are not intimidated.
That is what pressing looks like.
I’ll say it again, Never stop celebrating the faithfulness of God. Remaining joyful despite the adversity that you are facing causes you to experience the power to endure. No wonder the devil hopes that you will never learn to do this. He has no defense against it.
How is he going to defeat you if he can’t steal your joy – he can’t!
Rejoicing shows that you still believe God is not going to let you be defeated. This is exactly what the apostle Paul said during one of his greatest trials, “For I know that this shall turn…” (Philippians 1:19).
Because he knew that God was going to turn it around for him, he says in the Message Translation, “I’m going to keep the celebration going…everything He wants to do in and through me will be done. I can hardly wait to continue my course.”
Wow! Now that’s how you and I should be responding – NO MATTER WHAT!
I can almost hear somebody thinking, “I just can’t rejoice, there’s too much going on in my life.” I understand that, but let me ask you a question, “Has being discouraged, sad, and depressed helped in any way?”
James, the brother of Jesus, encourages you to “Count it all joy when you fall into divers temptations” (James 1:2). The Message Bible says, “You know that under pressure, your faith-life is forced into the open and shows its true colors.”
When the going gets tough, will you cave in, or will you fight? Will you give up, or will you defy the devil and keep on rejoicing?
Let me encourage you to NEVER STOP CELEBRATING! Why? Because it’s just a matter of time, and God is going to turn it all around.
Learn to celebrate God’s faithfulness. Learn to celebrate His goodness. Learn to celebrate His love. This is how you position yourself to experience more and more from Him.
You should follow the psalmist’s example as he exclaimed, “…with my mouth I will make known thy faithfulness to all generations” (Psalm 89:1).
Breakthroughs from God always come to those who are quick to celebrate His faithfulness. Don’t waste your time continually talking about what hasn’t happened. Spend your time talking about what He has made happen!
He’s been faithful to you again and again over the years, and He will continue to be faithful to you. I’m looking through the “eye of faith,” and I can see that your future is bright. God still has good plans for you.
Keep pressing, keep celebrating, and keep getting back up. Never accept defeat and continually celebrate God’s faithfulness. I’m rooting for you and cheering you on. I’m rejoicing with you!
How will you fight discouragement? You don’t have to stand alone. We here at JSMI are in your corner. That’s why I want you to have my recent teaching, Never Stop Celebrating God’s Faithfulness, as this month’s teaching resource. In this powerful message, I’m able to go more in-depth about why and how this principle has been active in my life.
As you give this month, your best year-end gift is a bold celebration of God’s faithfulness and your trust in Him.
You can give securely and conveniently online at or by calling +61 7 5576 5534 and be sure to check the relevant box to receive your CD or MP3.
Your prayer and financial donation this last month of 2022 will help us end the year strong and position this ministry to start 2023 with a powerful momentum. With so much turmoil and uncertainty in the world today, it’s vital that this ministry is boldly declaring the goodness, faithfulness, and miraculous power of God.
Because of you and your faithful support, we are a voice of faith, encouragement, and breakthrough to people just like you around the world. I’m so honored to be able to speak into your life and share what God has taught me over the past 53 years.
And I know this…the best is yet to come. God is not done yet. He is faithful and His promises are true. Finish 2022 strong in faith. Rejoice in God’s goodness and never stop celebrating His faithfulness.
In Him,

Jerry Savelle
P.S. Has God been good to you? I’d love to hear about God’s wonderful works in your life. Psalm 40:5 says of God, “…If I tried to recite all your wonderful deeds, I would never come to the end of them.”
Send me a message on social media, email, or call to celebrate God’s faithfulness. I’ll be rejoicing with you! I hope to hear from you soon. Also, pray about giving a special year-end gift and join me in declaring the goodness of God around the world.