Faith Filled Moments – Episode 50 – Another Year Gone
2023 is almost over and what a year of the maximum it has been. Ps Ian reflects on 2023 in his final podcast of the year with a great message titled 'Another Year Gone.' See you in 2024.
2023 is almost over and what a year of the maximum it has been. Ps Ian reflects on 2023 in his final podcast of the year with a great message titled 'Another Year Gone.' See you in 2024.
As we head into December it's an amazing time of year, as we celebrate the reason for the season. Ps Ian brings discusses this time of year on the Faith Filled Moments Podcast with the 2nd part of his message titled 'The Giving Season'.
As we head into December it's an amazing time of year, as we celebrate the reason for the season. Ps Ian brings discusses this time of year on the Faith Filled Moments Podcast with a 2 part message titled 'The Giving Season'.
Merry Christmas from my family to yours. As we close out this year, I have a question for you. Have you considered lately the great privilege it is to be in union with Christ? I want to share with you the remarkable benefits and blessings that your union with...
God takes delight in all his children, and if He gives His Word, it is His Will. Ps Ian bring this great topic to the Faith Filled Moments podcast this week with a simple message titled 'His Word is His Will'. God Bless.
It’s a pivotal moment in your life, a time when you cast aside the limits that have held you back and choose to believe that God can lead you to a place of blessing and prosperity like never before. Recently, I received a profound revelation, a message from the Lord...
God wants us to dream big and make no small plans!! God's plan for us is so much bigger than we can imagine. Ps Ian brings the topic of 'Dreams' to the Faith Filled Moments podcast this week, to encourage and equip you. God Bless.
This week Ps Ian tackles a challenging subject. As Christians we sometimes struggle with Forgiveness, but Ps Ian is here to give you some tools to equip and help you. God Bless.
Faith Filled Moments is your weekly audio podcast bringing you fresh revelation to inspire your faith and help you grow in your Christian walk. Today Ps Ian discussed the topic of 'Expansion'. God Bless.
The Faith Filled Moment podcast always bring a message of encouragement to its listeners. Today we are learning more about God's Blessing to His People. God Bless.